Pets Factor: Furry Friends
I’ve been really busy since January working on an HTML5 project and I’m pleased to announce that it has just been released. Pets Factor: Furry Friends is a nurturing game where you choose a pet for yourself and then make sure it’s entertained, exercised, and well rested. You’ve also got to help your pet level-up […]
The Starling Handbook
Isn’t the Starling framework awesome! It’s as much a part of the Flash/AIR platform as the native APIs themselves. In my opinion, it’s single handedly responsible for so many developers sticking with Adobe’s platform over the past few years. With Starling you can create 2D games that are every bit as impressive as games written […]
Memory Profiling with Google Chrome
I’ve spent the last four months working on a fairly large HTML5 project that was to run across mobile, tablet, and desktop. For the most part, the project went pretty smoothly but we did notice we were experiencing crashes on low-end devices that we suspected were being caused by memory leaks. To verify this and […]
Migrating to Swift from Flash and ActionScript
Radoslava Leseva Adams at DiaDraw reached out to me recently. She’s the co-author of Migrating to Swift from Flash and ActionScript and wanted to know what I thought of the book. Well I must say it’s an essential piece of reading for any Flash and/or Adobe AIR developers looking to learn native iOS development with […]
WeeMoji – Emoji Sticker Maker
Here’s a project I completed for WeeWorld at the tail end of last year. WeeMoji is an app for iOS and Android that lets you make your very own customised emojis and stickers featuring you! At its core is a fun avatar creator where you make a little WeeMee that looks just like yourself. The […]
Making Apple Watch Apps
I spent part of December working on an Apple Watch game demo. I was looking for a quick native project that I could get my teeth into over the Christmas break and thought it would be fun to write an endless runner. I actually couldn’t find any Apple Watch endless runners on the App Store […]
Boulders and Spikes
I said in my previous post that I’d show off some more levels from my Tomb Jump game demo. So here’s a video of the game’s hardest difficult setting. While I was more than happy with my earlier level designs I thought it would be cool to try and recreate the sense of action and […]
Tomb Jump
Here’s a little game demo I bashed together at the beginning of the year. I’d been playing Mr Jump on my iPhone for an insanely long time and thought it might be a good idea to try and build my own game borrowing some of its elements. So I spent a few weeks coding Tomb […]
Building a Parallax Scroller with Pixi.js: Part 4
This tutorial series has been updated for PixiJS v4. Welcome to the fourth and final tutorial in the series detailing how to build a parallax scrolling map using JavaScript and pixi.js. In the previous tutorial we started writing the scroller’s foreground layer by implementing an object pool and learning how to work with sprite sheets. […]
Building a Parallax Scroller with Pixi.js: Part 3
This tutorial series has been updated for PixiJS v4. Welcome back to the third in a series of tutorials covering how to make a parallax scrolling map using JavaScript and pixi.js. A lot’s been covered so far. In the first tutorial you learned some pixi.js fundamentals and applied parallax scrolling to a couple of repeating […]