So What Happened To My X-wing App?
It’s been quite some time since I updated you on the progress of my X-wing Targeting Computer app, and to be honest this post will likely be the last on the subject. So what exactly have I been up to over the last few months? After all, wasn’t it more-or-less ready for release on the […]
Flash a-ah, Saviour of the Universe
I love this commercial for the BlackBerry PlayBook. It serves as a great piece for not only the Flash Player, but Adobe AIR too – all the apps featured are written using it. If anyone at BlackBerry is reading this post then send me out a PlayBook and I’ll write good things about it on […]
Native JSON Support for Flash
Heck, things are moving so fast for Flash and AIR these days that it’s hard to keep up! Flash Player 10.3 is now live on desktop and Android, and a new Incubator build has just been released with a slew of great new features. One of the features I’m particularly happy about is native JSON […]
Top 10 Inspiring Uses of Flash
I was flicking through the latest issue of .net magazine when I came across a great article by Hoss Gifford talking about his ten favourite uses of Flash. Covering everything from Molehill to AIR for iOS, this four page article makes it very easy for even the biggest cynic to get excited about the Flash […]