Packt Cookbook Giveaway
I’m giving away two copies of the excellent Flash Development for Android Cookbook by Joseph Labrecque, and you’ll be delighted to know that entering the giveaway requires almost no effort at all! To whet your appetite, here’s a little information about the book from the Packt Publishing website: The quickest way to solve your problems […]
Overlaying AIR SDK for Flash Professional CS5.5
If you’re using Flash Professional CS5.5 (CS6 owners should follow these steps) and would like to take advantage of the AIR 3.5 SDK then perform the following steps for your operating system of choice. Microsoft Windows Ensure that Flash Professional CS5.5 is closed. Download the AIR 3.5 SDK for Windows archive from the Adobe website. […]
Adobe Imagination Challenge
If you’re a student in the United Kingdom and you fancy winning some serious money for showing off your creative talents then Adobe’s latest competition might be right up your street. The Adobe Imagination Challenge runs until November and gives students in the UK the opportunity to gain national recognition for their work. Guest judges […]
Flash Development for Android Cookbook
I’ve had this book on my radar for some time, and I’m glad to have finally gotten my hands on a copy. Joseph Labrecque’s “Flash Development for Android Cookbook” looks like it’s going to be perfect for anyone wishing to take the plunge with Android development using Flash. And to be perfectly honest, from what […]
AS3-like features in JavaScript
Is the thought of writing web applications in JavaScript getting you down? Does it bring back all the horribly memories from the dark days of ActionScript 1? We’ll it does for me, which is probably why Jangaroo makes me feel all warm and happy inside. What is it? Well basically it allows JavaScript to adopt […]
Native Extensions
Native extensions are one of the most exciting new features that will be coming to AIR 3.0. For those who don’t know, it will allow developers to create their own ActionScript extensions that leverage native APIs that aren’t directly available from the AIR SDK. So for example, those using AIR for iOS, will be able […]
Machinarium for iPad 2
Here’s by far the most beautiful AIR for iOS game to date. Machinarium, the award-winning, point-and-click adventure is now available for iPad 2 and managed to grab the #1 spot for all paid categories in the US after just one day! Many of you will recognised Machinarium as it started life as a Flash in-browser […]
Supporting both Flash CS5 and CS5.5
Don’t worry, that’s not the only copy I have of my book. And no, I don’t intend to take a drive along a dangerous snowy mountain road anywhere near a crazy woman’s cabin. It’s just that I’ve learned a lot while writing the Flash iOS Apps Cookbook. Firstly, hard copies are important – they really […]