Swift Endless Runner Source Code
As you may have already heard by now, Apple has announced a new programming language called Swift. It’s modern, powerful, and potentially easier to use than Objective-C. In fact, from the time I’ve spent tinkering with it, I’d say that those coming from an ActionScript or JavaScript background should find Swift a much more approachable […]
iOS X-wing Targeting Computer
There are new Star Wars films on the horizon and I’m pretty damn excited by that. In fact I’m so excited I decided to re-write my X-Wing Targeting Computer app for iOS. Yay! You may remember the original ran on Android handsets and was written using Adobe AIR. This time I thought I’d go native […]
Integrated Native Physics in the Flash Runtime
Over the last year or so there’s been much talk from the community regarding the need for the integration of native physics within the Flash runtime. Adobe’s Flash product manager, Chris Campbell, has opened this up for further discussion on the Adobe Communities forum. Personally I think this might be a good thing as Adobe […]