BAFTA Scotland recently hosted an evening showcasing Scottish games talent, and I took the opportunity to pop along and see what was on offer. There was a really diverse selection available to play, including award-winning games from the 2013 Scottish Game Jam and the BAFTA Scotland New Talent Awards. I was struck by the innovation […]
Pixi JS Rocks!
I wrote about Starling JS recently, but there are tonnes of similar JavaScript graphics libraries out there that are worth exploring. One that’s got me quite excited is pixi.js, which has a very similar API to Starling and also boasts support for WebGL as well as Canvas. As a quick test I ported some of […]
Some AIR Mobile Apps
One of the nice things about keeping a blog is that I get contacted by people from time to time asking me to take a look at their apps or pointing me in the direction of other successful apps written in Adobe AIR. Here’s a few that have come to my attention recently. Picshop Pro […]
New Features Coming to Adobe Scout
Adobe Scout is one of the most impressive Flash-related tools to appear in years. So it’s great news to see that Adobe is about to release an update that features support for memory allocation tracking, which was badly missing from the original. You can see a sneak preview in the video below. While powerful, the […]
Starling JS
Here’s something I’ve been secretly wishing for for quite some time now. The boys and girls at Gamua just announced that a JavaScript port of their open source Starling gaming framework will soon be made available. Starling JS will share the exact same API as its ActionScript 3 sibling and will even feel familiar to […]