Stage3D Online Conference
The Stage3D Online Conference took place last week and its organiser, Sergey Gonchar, has kindly posted a video of the entire five hours. It boasts an impressive line-up of speakers covering popular frameworks including Minko, Away3D, Genome2D, and Flare3D. I managed to catch the first two hours (had to head off to see Indie Game: […]
Flash Player Success Stories
Recently I wrote about several Adobe AIR success stories for iOS. For today’s post I thought I’d focus on the Flash Player and point out just how advanced Flash gaming in the browser has become. Just over a year ago, Adobe introduced access to the GPU via the Stage3D API. Let’s take a look at […]
Profiling with Monocle
If you’ve been targeting mobile with the Flash platform or taking advantage of Stage3D on desktop then you’ll no doubt appreciate the need for good profiling tools. Mac OS X users have the excellent Instruments tool to help when developing for AIR for iOS but what about other mobile platforms or if you’re developing from […]
Starling Bubbles
If you’ve been working your way through my book then you may find the content in the following video familiar. As part of a series of articles I’m writing for Flash & Flex Developer’s Magazine, I decided to revisit the underwater bubbles scene from my Flash iOS Apps Cookbook. However, whereas the cookbook focusses on […]
Some Great Flash Announcements
The last few weeks have seen a series of great announcements for the Flash platform and I thought I’d take some time to cover some of my favourites. Stage3D and Unreal Engine The most recent, was the availability of Epic Citadel, which demonstrated the Unreal Engine running within the desktop Flash Player. Using Stage3D to […]
Angry Birds on Facebook
Rovio’s smash hit, Angry Birds, is now available on Facebook thanks to Flash Player 11 and the Starling framework. For those who don’t know, Starling is built on top of Adobe’s Stage3D API and provides hardware accelerate 2D graphics via the GPU. If you take a look at the game’s credits screen you’ll see Starling […]
Goodbye 2011
I’ve probably worked harder over the last 12 months than I’ve ever done before, and that’s including my two year stint in the games industry. In fact, I’m not entirely sure where I’ve managed to find the time to update this blog at all, but I’m glad I have. And although some amazing opportunities have […]
Fun with Unreal Engine
With all the excitement over Unreal Engine 3’s upcoming support for Flash Player 11, I thought I’d spend some time looking at the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). After all, it would be pretty sweet to be able to bash out an Unreal-powered game that could be delivered via the browser. Given its depth, UDK is […]
Unreal Engine 3 and Alchemy
The announcement of Unreal Engine 3 for Flash Player 11 was huge and goes to show just how powerful Stage 3D is. If you’re in any doubt about the potential of Flash Player 11 then just take a look at the video below, showing a technical demonstration of Unreal Tournament 3 running in the browser. […]