Heck, things are moving so fast for Flash and AIR these days that it’s hard to keep up! Flash Player 10.3 is now live on desktop and Android, and a new Incubator build has just been released with a slew of great new features.
One of the features I’m particularly happy about is native JSON support; something which I’ve been wanting for quite some time. To be honest I can’t remember the last time I had to parse an XML file at WeeWorld, almost every project I’ve worked on recently has instead used JSON for any serious data interchange between client and server. And with its growing popularity it makes sense that it’s now part of the Flash Player rather than having to rely on a third-party library.
It’s only one of many great new features that are on their way. Here’s the list:
Media/Real Time Communications
- G.711 audio compression for telephony
- H.264/AVC SW Encode for camera encoding
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- GC Advice
- Socket Progress Events
- Pause/sleep/resume Events
- Secure random number generator
- TLS (Transport Layer Security) sockets
- TLS socket policy file
You can download the latest build and find out more info on Adobe Labs. And remember you’ll get the Molehill API too, so if you haven’t already done so, check-out some of the great Molehill demonstrations out there.