Circ – Another Cross Platform Success Story

Here’s another nice looking game developed using Adobe AIR. Circ features a smooth 60fps frame rate and runs on iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPad 2, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, HTC Desire HD, and BlackBerry PlayBook. Phew that’s quite a list. It was developed by Vojtech HavlĂ­cek(lead developer) and Anh Vu Hoang (lead designer) from Prague […]

More Great Adobe AIR Apps

If you need more proof that Adobe AIR is a viable option for developing mobile phone and tablet apps then look no further than these two great examples. First up is the really stylish Red Bull Illume HD iPad app, which showcases some of the best skateboarding and surfing photography out there. Next up is […]

Flash a-ah, Saviour of the Universe

I love this commercial for the BlackBerry PlayBook. It serves as a great piece for not only the Flash Player, but Adobe AIR too – all the apps featured are written using it. If anyone at BlackBerry is reading this post then send me out a PlayBook and I’ll write good things about it on […]

Flash Stigma

When did Flash become such a dirty word? I ask because I was flicking through the pages of a magazine the other day when I noticed an article comparing Apple’s iPad to Blackberry’s upcoming Playbook. To help potential buyers make a decision the magazine had kindly provided a summary with Pros and Cons for each […]