Building a Parallax Scroller with Pixi.js: Part 4
This tutorial series has been updated for PixiJS v4. Welcome to the fourth and final tutorial in the series detailing how to build a parallax scrolling map using JavaScript and pixi.js. In the previous tutorial we started writing the scroller’s foreground layer by implementing an object pool and learning how to work with sprite sheets. […]
Building a Parallax Scroller with Pixi.js: Part 3
This tutorial series has been updated for PixiJS v4. Welcome back to the third in a series of tutorials covering how to make a parallax scrolling map using JavaScript and pixi.js. A lot’s been covered so far. In the first tutorial you learned some pixi.js fundamentals and applied parallax scrolling to a couple of repeating […]
Building a Parallax Scroller with Pixi.js: Part 2
This tutorial series has been updated for PixiJS v4. In this series of tutorials we’ll discover how to make a parallax scrolling map similar to that found in games such as Canabalt and Monster Dash. The first part introduced the pixi.js rendering engine and covered the fundamentals of parallax scrolling. Now we’ll build upon our […]
Building a Parallax Scroller with Pixi.js: Part 1
This tutorial series has been updated for PixiJS v4. Ever played endless runner games such as Canabalt and Monster Dash, and wondered how to build their scrolling game maps? In this tutorial we’ll take our first steps towards building a similar parallax scroller using JavaScript and the pixi.js 2D rendering engine. What you will learn… […]
Endless Runner Source Code
I’ve decided to port the source code from my Building a Parallax Scroller tutorial to various other languages, starting with TypeScript. I’m hoping that it will eventually evolve into more than just a parallax scroller and we’ll end up with a very simple endless runner game but that’s for a little further down the line. […]
Starling, PixiJS, and CreateJS
There’s been quite a lot happening in the world of 2D frameworks. Here’s some news regarding a few that I personally use on a regular basis both commercially and for personal projects. New Starling Book The Starling Framework is the most significant thing to happen in the world of Flash for years and has done […]