Almost There!
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens just over a week away, I thought I’d get everyone in the mood by posting a video of my X-wing Targeting Computer app that I threw together a while back. Fingers crossed JJ Abrams delivers the film I’ve been hoping for, and I can’t wait to see some X-wing […]
Bunny Vengeance Side Scroller
I actually put this demo together about six months ago but for one reason or another didn’t actually get round to blogging about it. I think it was because I wanted to add environment graphics and proper baddies before showing it off. However, given how little spare time I have at the moment that’s unlikely […]
Native Extension Development Revisited
Just over a year ago I took a stab at developing an iOS native extension for AIR. It was really just a learning exercise and I wasn’t actually trying to write anything specific. I certainly got a lot from it but having not revisited ANE development since, I recently found to my frustration that I’d […]
Jeff the Unicorn
Sometimes at WeeWorld we like to break away from the constraints of the WeeMee and focus on other original character concepts. Jeff the Unicorn is one such idea that’s been extremely popular with our users, so we thought we’d try and explore some mobile game concepts featuring him. I’ve spent the past four weeks working […]
iOS X-wing Targeting Computer
There are new Star Wars films on the horizon and I’m pretty damn excited by that. In fact I’m so excited I decided to re-write my X-Wing Targeting Computer app for iOS. Yay! You may remember the original ran on Android handsets and was written using Adobe AIR. This time I thought I’d go native […]
Objective-C Endless Runner Source Code
Okay folks, that’s a first pass at the Objective-C version of my endless runner’s parallax scroller. I’d been meaning to take a look at SpriteKit for a while now so thought I’d use it as my rendering option. I was thinking about targeting the full range of iOS devices (Retina and non-Retina iPhones, iPads, and […]
10 Steps to Learning ANE iOS Development
Over the past week or so I’ve been looking at Adobe AIR Native Extension (ANE) development. It’s something I’d been meaning to take a gander at for ages but never seemed to find the time. Plus on the surface, developing an ANE seemed a little intimidating. Well the good news is it’s not really that […]
Building iOS Apps with Flash’s Help
We recently released, Cweeture Jump, our first in-house iPhone game. Although we rely heavily on Flash at WeeWorld, Cweeture Jump was actually written natively using Objective C for a number of reasons. Interestingly though this didn’t mean that Flash was entirely removed from the equation as our art team opted to continue using it to […]