New Version of SWF2Go
With all the recent talk of Adobe AIR for Android and the Packager for iPhone, it’s easy to forget that there’s a new version of Flash Lite and a whole host of handsets out there that support it. So if you’re writing Flash Lite apps and would like to distribute them then you might be […]
Goodbye Symbian. Hello Android
This wasn’t an easy decision. After all I’m supposed to be a Nokia fan boy. However, after much deliberation my trusty wee Nokia 5800 has been put aside and I’m now using the Google Nexus One as my primary mobile. Anyone who knows me will be well aware that I’m quite enthusiastic when it comes […]
Android 2.2 running Flash 10.1
Here’s a great video showing Flash Player 10.1 running on the Google Nexus One. The performance looks to be pretty impressive across the range of sites shown. I was actually blown away by how good The Eco Zoo ran on the handset as it showcases 3D content, something Flash isn’t particularly renowned for. The demonstration […]
Exciting new features for Device Central CS5
I’m a big fan of Adobe Device Central and have been using it over the years on various mobile projects. It really was a lifesaver when porting my GamesFlash project from S60 3rd Edition smartphones to the mass market Symbian Series 40 handsets. With their limited CPU and memory constraints, every byte saved mattered and optimising […]
Online Flash Lite Packager is back!
Great news folks. Forum Nokia’s Online Flash Lite Packager is live again. To be honest I was starting to fear the worst but true to their word the boys and girls at Forum Nokia have wheeled out a new version. So if you fancy converted any of your existing Flash projects to Flash Lite and […]
Flash Lite 3.0 “out of memory” bug
Developing GamesFlash over the last few years was a great learning experience and, as I’ve said before, was something I was extremely proud of. There were times however when I felt like giving up. Although Flash Lite was a great stepping stone towards a full mobile version of the Flash player, there were terrible fragmentation […]
Where has Forum Nokia’s Online Packager gone?
What the heck is going on with Forum Nokia’s Online Flash Lite packager? It must be months now since Nokia put the project on hold meaning anyone with great Flash Lite content that they’d like to package and distribute will have have to look elsewhere for an alternative. It’s a real shame because the online […]
My Nokia has gone through an 80s time warp!
Just for fun I decided to port my audio cassette music player to mobile. A really strange thing happened though when I actually got it onto my Nokia 5800. As soon as I saw it on the phone’s screen a long forgotten memory from my childhood came back to me of something I hadn’t thought about […]
I’m not a Nokia hater, honest
Although I subscribe to a few Flash and mobile related groups, I tend not to post that often on them for a few reasons. Firstly, most people’s posts get answered before I have a chance to reply. Secondly I tend to talk rubbish quite often so it’s best I keep my mouth shut. In fact, keeping […]
Flash Lite 3 Security Sandbox – A Reminder
This isn’t anything new but it’s an easy one to forget and something that caught me out the other day. So to be perfectly honest I’m writing this as more of a reminder to myself rather than anything else. Firstly the problem. I was helping someone with their Flash Lite app that let the user […]