Flash: One Web. Any Screen.

Well that’s the impression Adobe are trying to give with this pretty neat video that I spotted on Mark Doherty’s blog. It’s not quite there yet but with the arrival of Flash Player 10.1 expect to see Flash on most tablets and many of the smart phone’s coming to market.

Improving Flash performance on Mac

Poor performance is probably one of the biggest complaints regarding Flash on Mac, but is anything being done about it or was Steve Jobs correct when he accused Adobe of being lazy? Well after reading a post from Tinic Uro, an engineer working on the Flash Player, it seems that both Adobe and Apple have […]

Flash Lite 4

Spotted an interesting article on Scott Janousek’s blog stating that Flash Lite 4 is now available from Calsoft, one of Adobe’s partners responsible for getting the Flash Lite run-time working across various chipsets. So why another version of Flash Lite? Isn’t Flash Player 10.1 for mobile going to make Flash Lite redundant? Well not quite […]

Do people know what Flash is or care?

Most of you will have seen the ‘What is a browser?’ video where Google take to the streets of New York to see how many passers-by actually know what a web browser is. Even though they all seemed to surf the web regularly, only 8% of them knew what a web browser actually was. Well […]

The Flash Player Mobile Push

It’s not long until Mobile World Congress and those fortunate enough to be there will finally get the chance to try Flash Player 10.1 running on mobile. To-date we’ve only seen some sneak peek videos released by Adobe showing Flash-enhanced sites running on devices such as the Nexus One, but I want to know how […]

Some more handsets running Flash Player 10.1

We’ve seen Flash Player 10.1 running on the Google Nexus and now Adobe have released some more videos showing Flash on a few more handsets. First up is another Android phone – the Motorola Droid. Again performance looks pretty good and Adobe have also chosen to demonstrate Flash running on a few different websites, including […]

Flash 10.1 Coming to Google Nexus One

Adobe released a great video showcasing Flash Player 10.1 running on the brand new Google Nexus One. Now before you rush out and buy one, be aware that the player isn’t available on the phone just yet, but Adobe promise to push it over the web to you as soon as it’s ready. Performance wise […]