We’ve seen Flash Player 10.1 running on the Google Nexus and now Adobe have released some more videos showing Flash on a few more handsets. First up is another Android phone – the Motorola Droid. Again performance looks pretty good and Adobe have also chosen to demonstrate Flash running on a few different websites, including www.bbc.com which I visit daily.
The Palm Pre is also getting the Flash 10.1 treatment with the video below showing some Flash-based web games being played. Flash on the Pre was first seen at MAX and since then Adobe have been hard at work tidying certain features, adding hardware acceleration for video support and providing full-screen for games.
It’s not quite ready for release yet but Palm have indicated that it will be available “soon” and will ship as part of an OS update or via their App Store for those who already have the most up-to-date firmware.
Interesting, very interesting, I just hope I knew english better to understand 100%, Grazie Mille Ciao