iPhone Packager: Smooth Scrolling
Just thought I’d share a video of an iPhone app that I considered developing using Flash Professional CS5’s iPhone Packager. Of course I won’t be able to publish it to the App Store due to changes in Apple’s developer agreement but I still thought it would be interested to throw together a very rough prototype […]
Tutorial for those living in a parallel universe
Good news folks! If you use Flash and live in an alternate reality where Apple and Adobe get along just fine then you’ll probably find this tutorial quite useful. It details how to get the best performance when writing apps with Flash CS5 Professional’s Packager for iPhone. I suppose for everybody else there’s nothing stopping you […]
Packager for iPhone: Render Performance
Introduction CS5 is one of the most eagerly anticipated releases of Flash Professional in years and the inclusion of the iPhone Packager finally makes it possible for Flash developers to write exciting content for iPhone using the same tools they use day in, day out. Mobile development requires special design and coding considerations, and the […]
AS3 iPhone Components
Pop over to NoRestForTheWicked and you’ll find a set of nifty ActionScript 3 iPhone components by Nick Jonas. He’s decided to start small but what’s there looks great and should come in handy for anyone wishing to prototype potential iPhone UIs in Flash or for those simply wanting to get a head start with their […]