Excerpt on Adobe’s Developer Connection Site
I’m delighted to announce that, along with a photo of my big ugly mug, Adobe are currently featuring an excerpt from my Flash iOS Apps Cookbook. So if you’re undecided about making a purchase then why not head on over to their Developer Connection website where you can download Chapter 15, ActionScript Optimization in its […]
Life after Flash Mobile Player
I can’t say I was surprised by Adobe’s decision to kill the Flash Player for mobile, and I’m not entirely sure what all the fuss is about from the Flash community. After all, how many Flash developers out there were actively developing Flash content for mobile delivery? I bet it was a tiny percentage. So […]
Adobe Imagination Challenge
If you’re a student in the United Kingdom and you fancy winning some serious money for showing off your creative talents then Adobe’s latest competition might be right up your street. The Adobe Imagination Challenge runs until November and gives students in the UK the opportunity to gain national recognition for their work. Guest judges […]
Adobe AIR Challenge
Writing a mobile app using Flash? Want to win a cash prize? Then why not enter the Adobe AIR App Challenge! Sony has partnered with Adobe to offer a grand prize of $100,000 for the best application optimized to run on their new Android-based Sony Tablet S1 and Sony Tablet S2 tablet devices. The competition […]
Does Apple Need Flash?
A day doesn’t go by without someone speculating that Apple will eventually be forced to include the Flash player on iPhone and iPad in an attempt to fend off the ever increasing Android user base. Personally I don’t see this happening for two reasons. Firstly, the majority of people aren’t buying Android devices for the […]
Adobe’s WIRED Magazine makes it to iPad
Remember that incredibly impressive interactive WIRED Magazine demo Adobe showed off a few months back? The one that was built using AIR and was intended ultimately for iPad until Apple banned all Flash-related content from their mobile devices? Well against all the odds Adobe announced the release of the WIRED Reader for iPad the other […]
Help shape the future of Flash
Been holding your breath for Flash Professional CS5? Well Adobe have finally announced that it’ll be available from April 12th. CS5 has an impressive list of new features but I’m sure as always there will be someone out there who has just had a great idea that isn’t going to appear in this release. To be honest I think the […]