Samsung Galaxy Tab and Flash
Flash Player 10.1 for mobile is a significant step for the Flash Platform but I believe tablet devices is where Flash could really flourish. Don’t get me wrong, being able to check-out Flash content on mobile phones is pretty damn impressive, but the small screen is always going to create usability issues, especially for the […]
Native 64-bit Flash Player
Yesterday Adobe announced the availability of “Square” – their native 64-bit Flash Player for all major desktop operating systems including Windows, Mac and Linux. As well as the native 64-bit support, Adobe has been collaborating with Microsoft’s Internet Explorer team to take advantage of the hardware-accelerated graphics capabilities in the newest version of IE. Apparently […]
Flash Websites? There’s a Phone for That.
I really like this Motorola Droid 2 ad that was printed in the Wall Street Journal the other day. Considering most average users probably haven’t even heard of Flash it’s good to see the platform get a name check. I found the dig at Apple quite amusing if not a little risky. Apple has such […]
Flash, Usability and the Mobile Web
A big congratulations to Adobe. Flash Player 10.1 is now available on the Android Market for Android 2.2 devices. Those planning to purchase new handsets such as the Motorola Droid 2 will be pleased to know that Flash Player 10.1 will come pre-installed allowing Flash content to work straight out of the box. It’s a […]
Photobucket Mobile Site
here’s an interesting video showcasing the Flash Platform being used to deliver a mobile version of the Photobucket site. Before Flash Player 10.1 for mobile’s arrival the conversion effort to support video on mobile would have taken the Photobucket team several months. However by sticking with the Flash Platform the Photobucket team were mobile ready […]
Flash Player 10.1 on Android 2.2
Thought I’d share a video I stumbled upon today showing the latest beta build of Flash Player 10.1 running on an Android 2.2 handset. I’m pleased to say that the performance now looks significantly better than the first beta build I got to play with at the Adobe CS5 Road Show in Edinburgh. I guess […]
Flash Player 10.1 Released
Flash Player 10.1 for Windows, Mac and Linux is finally available. It’s so packed full of new features and has had such a significant architectural change that’s it’s hard to believe Adobe hasn’t just labelled it Flash Player 11. And with Flash Player 10.1 for Android scheduled for release later this month it really is […]
Windows 7 Slate with Flash Support
I gotta take my hat off to Apple. In the three years since the iPhone’s launch the other mobile OEMs are still desperately trying to play catch-up. Even the impressive Android OS doesn’t quite managed it. Android handsets are already suffering the terrible fragmentation issues (different OS versions, screen resolutions, user interfaces) that Apple has […]
Flash: A Victim of its own Success?
This year’s Google IO event was pretty exciting, especially for those interested in the future of Flash. It has certainly been a long time in the making but Flash Player 10.1 finally made its public appearance on Android 2.2 devices, promising to bring the ‘full web’ to mobile. If that wasn’t enough, Adobe also revealed […]
Android 2.2 running Flash 10.1
Here’s a great video showing Flash Player 10.1 running on the Google Nexus One. The performance looks to be pretty impressive across the range of sites shown. I was actually blown away by how good The Eco Zoo ran on the handset as it showcases 3D content, something Flash isn’t particularly renowned for. The demonstration […]