Creating a Deathmatch
It really does amaze me what’s possible with UDK without the need for any scripting. I thought I’d try my hand at creating my first deathmatch, and it really wasn’t that difficult to get something up and running. My map was fairly simple, consisting of three rooms connected by two corridors, but it still provided […]
More Unreal Engine Fun
Bro: Hey is that Crysis? Me: Yeah why? Bro: It still looks pretty awesome. Look at the foliage density! Me: Ha! Just kidding, I created it using UDK. Bro: Wow! You totally had me fooled. You rock! Me: I know. Yup, I finally found some time to mess around with UDK again and decided to […]
Fun with Unreal Engine
With all the excitement over Unreal Engine 3’s upcoming support for Flash Player 11, I thought I’d spend some time looking at the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). After all, it would be pretty sweet to be able to bash out an Unreal-powered game that could be delivered via the browser. Given its depth, UDK is […]