ActionScript to JavaScript Communication
Although limited, the StageWebView class makes it possible for an app to directly call a JavaScript function embedded within an HTML page. Let’s walk through the steps required to call a JavaScript function from ActionScript. This tutorial is a previously unreleased recipe from Flash iOS Apps Cookbook and supplements the content found in Chapter 11, […]
Flash iOS Apps Cookbook
I’m delighted to announce that my book, Flash iOS Apps Cookbook, has been published and is available in paperback and various eBook formats including Kindle. Written for both beginners and seasoned developers with a working knowledge of ActionScript 3.0 and Flash Professional, the book provides the recipes required to build native iOS apps using the […]
Supporting both Flash CS5 and CS5.5
Don’t worry, that’s not the only copy I have of my book. And no, I don’t intend to take a drive along a dangerous snowy mountain road anywhere near a crazy woman’s cabin. It’s just that I’ve learned a lot while writing the Flash iOS Apps Cookbook. Firstly, hard copies are important – they really […]
My First Book: Flash iOS Apps Cookbook
If you’ve been wondering why my blog posts have been rather infrequent over the past six months then here’s the reason. Yup that’s right, I’ve been hard at work writing a book for all you Flash lovers out there who want to get into iOS development. It’s titled “Flash iOS Apps Cookbook” and is due […]