PixiJS Version 3 Released
PixiJS has got to be my favourite JavaScript 2D rendering engine. It’s awesome! So I was pretty damn pleased to find out that a new major version has just been released by Mat Groves. A lot has changed including a new modular architecture and increased focus on WebGL rendering. With WebGL now available across a […]
Starling, PixiJS, and CreateJS
There’s been quite a lot happening in the world of 2D frameworks. Here’s some news regarding a few that I personally use on a regular basis both commercially and for personal projects. New Starling Book The Starling Framework is the most significant thing to happen in the world of Flash for years and has done […]
Physics and Pixi JS
I spent some time over the weekend adding Box2D physics to the JavaScript version of my endless runner prototype. As you can see from the video below, you can now interact with our little hero, making him run and jump between platforms (once again, apologies about the terrible camera work). The demo may still be […]
Pixi JS Rocks!
I wrote about Starling JS recently, but there are tonnes of similar JavaScript graphics libraries out there that are worth exploring. One that’s got me quite excited is pixi.js, which has a very similar API to Starling and also boasts support for WebGL as well as Canvas. As a quick test I ported some of […]