While the AIR SDK offers a fairly comprehensive API, if you’re targeting mobile then you’re pretty much gonna have to rely on a few native extensions here and there. I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised by the number of quality extensions that have been produced by the community, and more continue to pop up every day.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive suite of iOS native extensions then you should take a look at the AIR Extensions website, which opens up a significant chunk of the iOS API to ActionScript 3 developers. There’s support for all kinds of things include GameKit, iCloud, Core Image, NewsStand, PassKit, iAD, Social, and In-App Purchase. I’ve been informed by the guys at AIR Extensions that they’ve opened up 2000 native iOS SDK APIs spanning over 300 classes. That’s pretty impressive coverage.
If you’re working on an iOS project then pop on over and take a look at the available extensions. There’s also a few Android extensions available too!
Personally, if I’m going to pay for extensions, I’m going to go with milkmangame’s superior and diverse selection vs these.
Hi M Frasier, I run http://airextensions.net. We are new and have used Milkmangame’s extensions before — and they are wonderful. The reason why we created our own air extensions is to open up all the low level SDKs, to level the playing field between native developers and Flash developers. Anything you can do with the native frameworks you can do in AIR, that’s what we are striving for. So, when you look at our GameKit extensions, you will find that while it has the easy to use high level API, it also contains all the iOS API spanning 59 classes and 569 APIs.
We will be releasing more soon, please let us know how we can improve. 🙂