You’ve probably noticed my posts haven’t been as frequent of late. We’ll it’s all Adobe’s fault! You see I’ve been spending way too much time coding cool stuff for my Google Nexus One rather than blogging. Hold on, actually maybe that’s a good thing.
Anyway, I have managed to finish an AIR for Android app that I’ve been working on and will hopefully be able to post some videos of it in a day or so. In the meantime I thought I’d share some resources I’ve found extremely useful over the last few weeks.
- Setting up your development environment
- Accessing the camera on your Android device
- ActionScript 3.0 API support for mobile devices
- Debugging with AIR for Android
- Flash Android Components
- Developing Flash and Flex applications for Android
- Android, AIR and the Camera
- Authoring mobile Flash content for multiple screen sizes
- AIR2.5 StageWebView
I’m really enjoying AIR 2.5 for Android. Performance is good and the workflow makes coding and deployment easy.
If you haven’t already signed-up for the prerelease program then I’d recommend you do so by clicking this link.