If you’ve been following this blog then you’ll know that I’ve been writing a tutorial series for Adobe’s official Animate CC blog. The tutorials teach you how to write an HTML5 Flappy Bird clone from scratch using Adobe Animate CC and JavaScript.
I’ve got two remaining parts to write but the first four in the series are now available on Adobe’s blog. The first two cover the creation of the artwork, while parts three and four get you up and running with JavaScript. Here are the links to each part.
- Part 1: Building a HTML5 Flappy Bird Game Clone with Adobe Animate CC
- Part 2: Building a HTML5 Flappy Bird Game Clone with Adobe Animate CC
- Part 3: Building a HTML5 Flappy Bird Game Clone with Adobe Animate CC
- Part 4: Building a HTML5 Flappy Bird Game Clone with Adobe Animate CC
It’s been good fun working on this and hopefully you guys will enjoy the final two parts that will be available soon.
I was wondering when you think you may finish the two remaining parts of this tutorial as I would like my students to complete this task over the next 6 weeks. Is there any way I can possibly get my hands on the resources for the complete tutorial with code.
Hi Jonathan. Thanks for getting in touch. I should get part 5 of the series finished over the weekend. The remaining part will probably follow one or two weeks later.
Hi Jonathan,
You can find the source code for the Flappy Bird clone on GitHub at: https://github.com/ccaleb/flappy-bird-animate-cc-tutorial
I’m stuck in a mud …
I’ve this message in my console due to the “consol.log”
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘visible’ of undefined
at new Main (flappy.js?1482331429817:1210)
at lib.flappy.frame_0 (flappy.js?1482331429817:1235)
at a.b._runActions (createjs-2015.11.26.min.js:17)
at a.b.setPosition (createjs-2015.11.26.min.js:17)
at a.b.setPosition (createjs-2015.11.26.min.js:17)
at lib.flappy.c._updateTimeline (createjs-2015.11.26.min.js:14)
at lib.flappy.c.advance (createjs-2015.11.26.min.js:14)
at lib.flappy.c._tick (createjs-2015.11.26.min.js:14)
at a.b._tick (createjs-2015.11.26.min.js:13)
at a.b.tick (createjs-2015.11.26.min.js:13)
When I delete the part ” exportRoot.getReadyPrompt.visible = false;
exportRoot.startInstructions.visible = false;”
It’ runs …
What’s the matter ?
So lost.
Hi Romane. If you zip up your FLA file and send it over to me I’ll take a look and see if I can spot what’s causing your issues. Thanks.
Hi Christopher,
I finally get what was the matter,
May I ask you your email cause I would make a personnalized flappy bird and I would love to hear some advice from you